- #Pokemon x y friend safari full#
- #Pokemon x y friend safari code#
- #Pokemon x y friend safari series#
Not only that, but, within each Friend Safari there are only three Pokemon that can be found. Unfortunately, as said above, the type is pre-determined between all known eighteen types.
#Pokemon x y friend safari code#
These options have names from friends located on your friend code roster and a type. What does that mean? It means that when your friend decides to venture into the safari they are presented with options. Randomly chosen by the friend code located on your 3DS/2DS, Pokemon X and Y assign you (even before buying the game) with a specialized typing for the Friend Safari. The only downfall to the Friend Safari are the randomized typings that each player gains. Trace allows your Pokemon to copy your opponent’s ability, which, is very useful for tracking down Pokemon with their Hidden Abilities. Tip: I recommend going to the Friend Safari’s with a Pokemon that has the ability Trace - such as Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Mega Alakazam. However, if a friend has the fire-type Friend Safari and one of their Pokemon is Charmeleon, you have a chance of finding a Charmeleon with his Hidden Ability Solar Power - which raises the Pokemon’s Special Attack power by 1.5 times during sunshine, however, with the hindrance of HP decreasing every round as the sunshine beams. You may be wondering: “What’s the difference between these Pokemon and the ones I’ve seen before?” Well, with the soon-to-be removal of the Pokemon Dream World, Pokemon have leaked through and found refuge at everyone’s Friend Safari’s! That means you have a possible chance of finding Pokemon with Hidden Abilities! These Hidden Abilities are only found within the Friend Safari’s and are found nowhere else! An example is Charmander! Normally, Charmanders (like all fire-type starters) have the simple ability of Blaze - which raises fire’s power 1.5 times when HP falls below 1/3rd of it’s maximum HP. However, that isn’t a problem in our friendly, community forums! Not only will you be able to add your name and code to our roster, you’ll be able to view plenty of unobtainable Pokemon as soon as our other members add you to their respective rosters! The fun keeps on coming as the Pokemon found in the Friend Safari are revealed to be different than some you may have encountered in previous generations or in-game!
#Pokemon x y friend safari full#
The only catch? In order to gain full access to the Friend Safari both codes must be shared mutually. Remember when I talked about making friends at Pokemon Crossroads? Well, by visiting our forums, we started a thread to share and distribute Friend Codes at ease! Not only will you gain codes from people all over the Poke-World, you’ll also be able to see what Pokemon they have in their Friend Safari! Not only was this a great move on their part, it is a pretty convenient tool for every trainer/breeder/etc. With the addition of Pokemon X and Y, Nintendo and Gamefreak decided to remove the pal-pad completely replacing it with the more convenient PSS – Player Search System. It’s not as simple as it may sound either. Friend A could be in Japan while Friend B could be in America, and yet, trading couldn’t be any simpler.Įveryone may be wondering: “What does this have to do with the Friend Safari?” Well, that brief history lesson was to remind you that you’re not alone in the Pokemon world! Getting back onto topic, in order to fully access the Friend Safari and all of it’s awesome features you will need to share friend codes with other people.
#Pokemon x y friend safari series#
It was a new era in the Pokemon series and many fans were skyrocketing at the incredible news. No longer were cables or wireless adaptors needed. However, this all changed when Pokemon Diamond and Peal were released. Growing up during the first generation of the franchise’s series, it was hard to do anything without a cable - nonetheless actually finding someone who also had similar interests with the Pokemon games. You may be thinking: “What’s the catch?” Well, in order to fully access this wondrous place you need some friends - and what better way than here at Pokemon Crossroads? Here, with the help of your friends, you encounter vast and exciting creatures - some of which aren’t even found within the game itself normally! However, starting in X and Y itself is the debut of something fresh and new to the Pokemon franchise - The Friend Safari. Here, you fight nostalgic characters, find a battling tower, and much more. Well, look no further! Here in Pokemon Crossroads back in October 2013, we began a thread on our forums telling of such a place! After beating the game you encounter a new and interesting place called: Kiloude City. Have you recently beaten X and/or Y and wondered what you did here?